Lead by faith...
Master the Mental Game of Business to Build a God-Honoring Empire.
Claim Your New Era
Master the Mental Game of Business to Build a God-Honoring Empire
Your heart is telling you there is something greater.
God is calling you to step into a new type of business leadership.
Your bank account is telling you, you haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.
And you KNOW it’s time for YOU to uplevel your leadership, grow in your faith, and expand the vision for what’s possible in your life.
Develop faith, learn spiritual selling, and fulfill your calling with confidence
Step into next level leadership that makes millions
Build a businesses that becomes a generational wealth creation machine that makes a massive positive impact on the world
Your heart is telling you there is something greater.
God is calling you to step into a new type of business leadership.
Your bank account is telling you, you haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.
And you KNOW it’s time for YOU to uplevel your leadership, grow in your faith, and expand the vision for what’s possible in your life.
Develop faith, learn spiritual selling, and fulfill your calling with confidence
Step into next level leadership that makes millions
Build a businesses that becomes a generational wealth creation machine that makes a massive positive impact on the world
Thousands can learn the EXACT same formula, blueprint, method, strategy and tactics, YET they achieve wildly different results.
Because the ability to cast vision for, lead and manage a team, clients, and the market, is about the INNER GAME.
The deep inner workings of your mindset, beliefs, faith, and habits ultimately determine the outcomes of your business and life.
Thousands can learn the EXACT same formula, blueprint, method, strategy and tactics, YET they achieve wildly different results.
Because the ability to cast vision for, lead and manage a team, clients, and the market at large, is about the INNER GAME.
The deep inner workings of your mindset, beliefs, faith, and habits ultimately determine the outcomes of your business and life.
The great news is that you can upgrade your beliefs, change your mindset, and heal your past.
If you want to create mind blowing results financially, in a faith and family first business, you MUST learn the language, beliefs, and habits of champions, so you can BECOME one.
the more you begin to see that the results you create, have little to do with the “tactics of the day” and everything to do with your ability to navigate…
Employee issues
Wild market swings
Betrayals by people you care about
Losing your sense of connection with your old inner circle, then trying to establish a new one
The learning curve of building an autonomous team
Sales, performance, and revenue fluctuations
The mental load of staying clear on the vision while living in the day to day
will MAKE or BREAK your capacity to thrive at the multi million dollar level.
When things get hard...
When momentum slows...
When you feel trapped by the business you've built...
You have a choice.
Give up.
Go small.
Or step into your NEW ERA of business leadership.
That's what KAIROS is all about.
I want to help you develop true and lasting mastery in all areas of life, to overcome absolutely anything that comes your way.
The more equipped you are mentally, the more likely you are to navigate these things successfully.
In the surface level world of business today, I see a NEW generation of business leaders RISING up.
The great news is that you can upgrade your beliefs, change your mindset, and heal your past.
If you want to create mind blowing results financially, in a
faith and family
first business, you MUST learn the language, beliefs, and habits of champions, so you can BECOME one.
the more you begin to see that the results you create, have NOTHING to do with the “tactics of the day” and everything to do with your ability to navigate…
Employee issues
Wild market swings
Betrayals by people you care about
Losing your sense of connection with your old inner circle, then trying to establish a new one
The pressure to perform and lead even when you are personally going through something life changing
The constant putting out of fires
The mental load of staying clear on the vision while living in the day to day
will MAKE or BREAK your capacity to thrive at the multi million dollar level.
When things get hard...
When momentum slows...
When you feel trapped by the business you've built...
You have a choice.
Give up.
Go small.
Or step into your NEW ERA of business leadership.
That's what KAIROS is all about.
I want to help you develop true and lasting mastery in all areas of life, to overcome absolutely anything that comes your way.
The more equipped you are mentally, the more likely you are to navigate these things successfully.
In the surface level world of business today, I see a NEW generation of business leaders RISING up.
They are TIRED of the status quo and ready to operate beyond the blueprint.
They are READY to BREAK the thermostat that’s been keeping them stuck.
They are ready to STOP playing by other people’s rules, and START living out their FAITH.
They are ready to elevate beyond millions in revenue and into millions of TAKE HOME INCOME for their families.
They are TIRED of what’s always been done.
They are READY to BREAK the thermostat that’s been keeping them stuck.
They are ready to
STOP playing by other people’s rules, and
START living out their
They are ready to not just bring in millions for their company, but bring in millions for THEMSELVES and their families.
Intuitive. Integrity driven. Faith centered.
Preemptive. Focused. Innovative.
Intuitive. Integrity driven. Faith centered. Preemptive. Focused. Innovative.
God’s given you massive passion, a huge MISSION and you are ready for a season of reinvention, personal growth, and levels of success most only DREAM of!
It’s time to lean in to where you are being called next and step up as a leader, capable of results
God’s given you massive passion, a huge MISSION and you are ready for a season of reinvention, personal growth, and levels of success most only DREAM of!
It’s time to lean in to where you are being called next and step up as a leader, capable of results
Resenting your business.
Feeling chained to a job you’ve created for yourself.
Kairos (n): a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action : the opportune and decisive moment
Kairos Moment: When God interrupts our routine and touches us so profoundly that we are forever changed.
Kairos Leader: A leader who SEES the opportunity, TRAINS for the prize, MASTERS the mindset, and Develops the SKILLS of a champion.
Preemptive Business Leadership
Holistic Life Design for Optimal Living and Fulfillment
Values Driven Wealth Creation and Philanthropy
Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Health
Faith and family come first and the business is built strategically around a
RICH LIFE not the other way around.
Faith that moves mountains
Leadership that make millions
Building businesses that become empires
It’s time for YOUR NEW ERA of business growth.
It’s time to stop settling for ANYTHING less than PEAK performance in all areas of life.
It’s time to start letting GOD direct, guide, and grow you as you lead, manage and grow your business.
It’s time to STOP building your dream at the expense of your health, family, or quality of life.
Resenting your business.
Feeling chained to a job you’ve created for yourself.
Kairos (n): a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action : the opportune and decisive moment
Kairos Leader: A leader who SEES the opportunity, TRAINS for the prize, MASTERS the mindset, and Develops the SKILLS of a champion.
Preemptive Business Leadership
Holistic Life Design for Optimal Living and Fulfillment
Values Driven Wealth Creation and Philanthropy
Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Health
Faith and family come first and the business is built strategically around a RICH LIFE not the other way around.
Faith that moves mountains
Leadership that make millions
Building businesses that become empires
It’s time for YOUR NEW ERA of business growth.
It’s time to stop settling for ANYTHING less than PEAK performance in all areas of life.
It’s time to start letting GOD direct, guide, and grow you as you lead, manage and grow your business.
It’s time to STOP building your dream at the expense of your health, family, or quality of life.
Align your highest calling, greatest gifts and biggest ambitions with the pursuit of the greater good-honoring God to create miraculous feats and unfathomable success.
Crystallize your unique genius, achieve extraordinary levels of success, live a life of presence and intentionality.
Transform into a person of RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY capable of achieving anything you desire, at warp speed!
Align your highest calling, greatest gifts and biggest ambitions with the pursuit of the greater good-honoring God to create miraculous feats and unfathomable success.
Crystallize your unique genius, achieve extraordinary levels of success, live a life of presence and intentionality.
Transform into a person of RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY capable of achieving anything you desire, at warp speed!
It isn’t basic business strategy.
It isn’t fluff-filled mindset coaching.
It’s mentorship designed to pull out your HIGHEST levels of performance, focus, and commitment.
Learn to leverage the power of intuition, prayer, faith and miracles to overcome anything, rise above impossible challenges, find strength in hardship and ultimately turn any obstacle into your greatest catalyst for success, contribution and impact.
Transform your message into a movement, lead your organization to greatness and develop the capability of enrolling others in your vision for the future.
Develop the business acumen, thinking and strategic vision to become a titan in your space and accomplish unthinkable levels of success.
Cultivate a level of greatness in your zone of genius that makes you the obvious and undeniable leader in your space.
Learn to crush distractions, eliminate deterrents, and achieve dramatically more in far less time
Wealth building will be the obvious byproduct of your excellence supported by weekly rituals you will execute with fidelity
You will experience a joy and RICHNESS in your everyday life that matches the calling of your heart and the aching of your soul.
You will learn how to make TIME for health, wellness, philanthropy, faith and meaningful hobbies, relationships and more without compromising on your dream.
It isn’t basic business strategy.
It isn’t fluff-filled mindset coaching.
It’s mentorship designed to help you master the mental game of business and become an undeniable industry icon.
Learn to leverage the power of intuition, prayer, faith and miracles to overcome anything, rise above impossible challenges, find strength in hardship and ultimately turn any obstacle into your greatest catalyst for success, contribution and impact.
Transform your message into a movement, lead your organization to greatness and develop the capability of enrolling others in your vision for the future.
Develop the business acumen, thinking and strategic vision to become a titan in your space and accomplish unthinkable levels of success.
Cultivate a level of greatness in your zone of genius that makes you the obvious and undeniable leader in your space.
Learn to crush distractions, eliminate deterrents, and achieve dramatically more in far less time
Wealth building will be the obvious byproduct of your excellence supported by weekly rituals you will execute with fidelity
You will experience a joy and RICHNESS in your everyday life that matches the calling of your heart and the aching of your soul.
You will learn how to make TIME for health, wellness, philanthropy, faith and meaningful hobbies, relationships and more without compromising on your dream.
This has been one of the most transformative online experiences I've had after investing in so many online courses. Not only did I accomplish the goals I set out to accomplish in 2024 after a very trying year, I'm coming back for more. Love this community.
“After mentoring with Kelly, we had our biggest month ever — $270,000 in one month
Within less than 3 months of mentorship with Kelly, Jessie Ginsburg had a $175K launch, enrolled 150 clients across 6 continents (making a global impact on speech therapists around the world) and brought in a quarter of a million over a 10-day span
I have been a member of Kelly's business mentorship program, Kairos, for less than 12 months. I must admit that in the beginning, although I made it a must to attend all live teachings, I didn't always have the time to implement what I'd learned. I dedcided to go back to my notes and implement the things that she had taught that I thought were the easiest to do. After consistently dedicating only 1 hour per day, 3 days per week, for 5 weeks, using Kelly's methods, not only did I see a major improvement in the growth of my business, I closed the biggest sale of the 3 years that I have been in business. And I did it in 1 telephone call! This is only the beginning! God is so good!
This has been one of the most transformative online experiences I've had after investing in so many online courses. Not only did I accomplish the goals I set out to accomplish in 2024 after a very trying year, I'm coming back for more. Love this community.
“After mentoring with Kelly, we had our biggest month ever — $270,000 in one month
I have been a member of Kelly's business mentorship program, Kairos, for less than 12 months. I must admit that in the beginning, although I made it a must to attend all live teachings, I didn't always have the time to implement what I'd learned. Between my day job and my family, it was difficult to find the time to put her teachings into practice. What I also noticed though was that time had been passing, and I was making no progres in my own business. It was then that I dedcided to go back to my notes and implement the things that she had taught that I thought were the easiest to do. After consistently dedicating only 1 hour per day, 3 days per week, for 5 weeks, using Kelly's methods, not only did I see a major improvement in the growth of my business, I closed the biggest sale of the 3 years that I have been in business. And I did it in 1 telephone call! This is only the beginning! God is so good!
Within less than 3 months of mentorship with Kelly, Jessie Ginsburg had a $175K launch, enrolled 150 clients across 6 continents (making a global impact on speech therapists around the world) and brought in a quarter of a million over a 10-day span
Each week you step into a sacred container for one hour.
You are in a space of prayerful focus and support.
Your reset your focus. You align with your vision for your dream life.
You make powerful decisions that set the trajectory for your future.
And you develop a relentless FOCUS where absolutely nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.
Together we pray, we visualize, we set goals and commit to plans and I pour everything, and I do mean everything, into helping you achieve undeniable success.
Faith, family, business strategy, wealth building, leadership mentality, personal branding.
An endless list of power packed sessions designed to help you continue to UNLOCK higher and higher levels of SUCCESS and life SATISFACTION, week after week.
You leave feeling calm, clear, focused, powerful and UNSTOPPABLE.
You leave EQUIPPED with the right mindset, strategy and plan to achieve in days, outcomes that would otherwise require YEARS.
Consider this your personal Time Machine that transports you to your goals in a fraction of the time with far less “efforting” and far more “elevating”
Each week you step into a sacred container for one hour.
You are in a space of prayerful focus and support
Your reset your focus. You align with your vision for your dream life.
You make powerful decisions that set the trajectory for your future.
And you develop a relentless FOCUS where absolutely nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.
Together we pray, we visualize, we set goals and commit to plans and I pour everything, and I do mean everything, into helping you achieve undeniable success.
Faith, family, business strategy, wealth building, leadership mentality, personal branding.
An endless list of power packed sessions designed to help you continue to UNLOCK higher and higher levels of SUCCESS and life SATISFACTION, week after week.
You leave feeling calm, clear, focused, powerful and UNSTOPPABLE.
You leave EQUIPPED with the right mindset, strategy and plan to achieve in days, outcomes that would otherwise require YEARS.
Consider this your personal Time Machine that transports you to your goals in a fraction of the time with far less “efforting” and far more “elevating”
I’ve been with my husband and the love of my life 18 years and been married 14. Marrying Billy was the most important decision of my life.When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Madison I kept working my corporate job while building my business to a million dollars, while operating as a Senior Vice President for a Fortune 500. I was able to retire Billy so he could focus full-time on being a father and on Madison’s growth and development.
I am a person of God and a believer. I do not preach or project my beliefs on others, however I want to invite those who feel that there is an opportunity for faith to play a bigger role in their businesses and lives to lean all the way into the idea of making money, doing good and reflecting glory to God in all that we do.
Family and faith come first for me. Mental, physical spiritual and emotional health are
NON-NEGOTIABLES. And they are built into everything that I teach. I sleep 8 hours a night. I don’t chase trends online.I am a walking, talking COUNTER to everything you have experienced in the world of mentorship online.
Within 18 months of becoming a full time entrepreneur I took my business to the 8 figure mark and soon after we moved our family across the country to the beautiful glistening beaches of South Florida so we could truly live our dream lives every day. We carved our own path and followed our dreams because where you wake up each day matters.
Madison and Billy come first which means I don’t travel to many industry events and I have largely skipped speaking engagements and travel for the last decade to focus on what my life priority is right now, which is family.
I take every August off for a family sabbatical to spend quality time with my family. I teach this inside of KAIROS because I want you to be able to do the same! (While I am off you will receive self study materials, but hopefully you will be off too!)
Philanthropy is a key part of my work and we are continuing our mission to eliminate the water instability around the globe for over 2 billion people. We just completed a well in Malawi and have multiple water pump projects in process in Nepal as we speak.
I’ve been with my husband and the love of my life 18 years and been married 14. Marrying Billy was the most important decision of my life.When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Madison I kept working my corporate job while building my business to a million dollars, while operating as a Senior Vice President for a Fortune 500. I was able to retire Billy so he could focus full-time on being a father and on Madison’s growth and development. I’ve continued to grow my companies while being fully plugged in and present in my family’s life.
I am a person of God and a believer. I do not preach or project my beliefs on others, however I want to invite those who feel that there is an opportunity for faith to play a bigger role in their businesses and lives to lean all the way into the idea of making money, doing good and reflecting glory to God in all that we do.
Family and faith come first for me.Mental, physical spiritual and emotional health are NON-NEGOTIABLES. And they are built into everything that I teach. I sleep 8 hours a night. I don’t chase trends online.I am a walking, talking COUNTER to everything you have experienced in the world of mentorship online.
Within 18 months of becoming a full time entrepreneur I took my business to the 8 figure mark and soon after we moved our family across the country to the beautiful glistening beaches of South Florida so we could truly live our dream lives every day. We carved our own path and followed our dreams because where you wake up each day matters.
Madison and Billy come first which means I don’t travel to many industry events and I have largely skipped speaking engagements and travel for the last decade to focus on what my life priority is right now, which is family.
I take every August off for a family sabbatical to spend quality time with my family. I teach this inside of KAIROS because I want you to be able to do the same! (While I am off you will receive self study materials, but hopefully you will be off too!)
Philanthropy is a key part of my work and we are continuing our mission to eliminate the water instability around the globe for over 2 billion people. We just completed a well in Malawi and have multiple water pump projects in process in Nepal as we speak.
I am one of the only female founders in the online space to build her company from 0 to 8 figures with NO debt, NO investors and NO outside funding. I did this during a pandemic and massive shutdowns by leveraging many of the skills I learned in my Fortune 500 career. During my years of climbing the corporate ladder, I was promoted 7 times in 8 years, to become the youngest SVP in the company. I did that even during the 2008 recession by creating an entirely new source of revenue for my global company. I consulted with that company for years after leaving full time.
Why does that matter?
I know how to lead when things are EASY, and when things get a little dicey.
I closed my company’s biggest accounts in a matter of months, when seasoned veterans on the team told me to just give up, it would never happen.
I didn’t let go of a single person when entire departments were wiped out during 2008-2010. I understand the mindset required for success and growth in ANY and ALL seasons.
The difference between you learning from someone who’s made a quick 7-figures during an easy season of business and learning from someone like me, who has been in the trenches, is that I know it won’t always be easy. I know what’s required. And, I am committed to FULLY equipping you NO MATTER WHAT comes your way!
Today, I’ve taken what I’ve learned in my corporate career and in the building of my 8-figure coaching company, and built out 5 other companies for a total of 6. These companies are all different business models including a done-for-you agency, a personal brand, a membership model, a course model, and a product based business.
As I build my portfolio to $100M, I am committed to sharing everything I learn, across my company’s with those inside my KAIROS mentorship. I understand that I have a unique perspective on what’s working and what’s not working in different industries and can speak to every business model structure out there!
At the end of the day, getting mentorship from someone with a breadth of knowledge and experience is CRITICAL thriving.
Am an 11x international best selling author
Have been #1 ranked podcast host
Am the winner of TWO Inc. 5000 awards for fastest growing companies in the US, Stevie Award Woman of The Year, Titan CEO of the Year, and Inc’s Best in Business
Have been featured in Forbes, Inc, Business Insider and on ABC, NBC, and Fox!
I’ve helped fund multiple water projects through Charity Water, was the youngest member of The Philadelphia Eagles Cheer team in college, and have made every goal I’ve ever set happen, in less time than anyone could have predicted.
Being recognized on the INC 5000 list this year and last
Crossing over 8 figures in business with a multi-million dollar take home income
Buying multiple businesses on top of their first business
Cut their work week by over 15 hours while growing profits
Pay off all debt
Fully fund their children’s college tuition
Build their dream home
Retire a spouse so they can travel the world together
Relaunch new businesses that totally align with their next level calling
Grew by over a million dollars in revenue in a single year
Build a dream team and elevate into true visionary leadership
But the INNER work of a champion precedes the OUTER results.
There is no limit to what you can do if you commit to BECOMING the person your dreams require.
This is my NEWEST WORK, my best work, my LEGACY work.
It means you are getting the BENEFIT of all the hundreds of test cases and results my clients have accumulated over the years and you are getting the FAST TRACK.
So… let’s talk about what’s included in The Kairos Leadership Mentorship
...then I’ll share a bit about the results I have accomplished and you might expect as a KAIROS leader:
3 LIVE group calls per month comprised of mentorship, meditation, live learning and q&a with Kelly directly
Instant access to 50 POWERFUL, life changing Inevitable Millionaire trainings
Recordings of all trainings, mentorship and fireside chat sessions with Kelly
Monthly workbooks to accompany each core topic area
A tight virtual community for support, community, and networking
I am one of the only female founders in the online space to build her company from 0 to 8 figures with NO debt, NO investors and NO outside funding. I did this during a pandemic and massive shutdowns by leveraging many of the skills I learned in my Fortune 500 career. During my years of climbing the corporate ladder, I was promoted 7 times in 8 years, to become the youngest SVP in the company. I did that even during the 2008 recession by creating an entirely new source of revenue for my global company. I consulted with that company for years after leaving full time.
Why does that matter?
I know how to lead when things are EASY, and when things get a little dicey.
I closed my company’s biggest accounts in a matter of months, when seasoned veterans on the team told me to just give up, it would never happen.
I didn’t let go of a single person when entire departments were wiped out during 2008-2010. I understand the mindset required for success and growth in ANY and ALL seasons.
The difference between you learning from someone who’s made a quick 7-figures during an easy season of business and learning from someone like me who has been in the trenches, is that I know it won’t always be easy. I know what’s required. And, I am committed to FULLY equipping you NO MATTER WHAT comes your way!
Today, I’ve taken what I’ve learned in my corporate career and in the building of my 8-figure coaching company, and built out 5 other companies for a total of 6. These companies are all different business models including a done-for-you agency, a personal brand, a membership model, a course model, and a product based business.
As I build my portfolio to $100M, I am committed to sharing everything I learn, across my company’s with those inside my KAIROS mentorship. I understand that I have a unique perspective on what’s working and what’s not working in different industries and can speak to every business model structure out there!
At the end of the day, getting mentorship from someone with a breadth of knowledge and experience is CRITICAL thriving.
Cash injections to grow your business
Wealth building and multiple streams of income
Healing your past so you can design your future
Roadmap to 1% Living
Unleashing Your Inner Millionaire
Becoming a Money Magnet
Recession Proofing Your Life
Wealth Habits of the 1%
Improve Your Health, Grow Your Wealth
Rapid Healing & Manifestation
Tapping Into Your Intuition
1% Relationships
How to Get Everything You Want this Holiday Season
Summer Re-Alignment for Success
Prepping and Preparing for a Sabbatical
Spiritual Selling
Market Place Ministry
The Art + Science of Reinvention
Building Wealth and Stewarding Profits
Passive Income Through Book Publishing
Podcasting With Purpose
Faith Leadership
Am an 11x international bestelling author
Have been #1 ranked podcast host
Am the winner of TWO Inc. 5000 awards for fastest growing companies in the US, Stevie Award Woman of The Year, Titan CEO of the Year, and Inc’s Best in Business
Have been featured in Forbes, Inc, Business Insider and on ABC, NBC, and Fox!
I’ve helped fund multiple water projects through Charity Water, was the youngest member of The Philadelphia Eagles Cheer team in college, and have made every goal I’ve ever set happen, in less time than anyone could have predicted.
Most coaches have experience in 1 business, 1 industry or 1 framework.
The moment something shifts or changes they are as lost as you are.
Many of the people you have paid or are paying to guide you, are struggling with the same things you are and have no idea how to get through it, let alone help you find your way.
The truth is… you can’t give something you don’t have.
Being recognized on the INC 5000 list this year and last
Crossing over 8 figures in business with a multi-million dollar take home income
Buying multiple businesses on top of their first business
Cut their work week by over 15 hours while growing profits
Pay off all debt
Fully fund their children’s college tuition
Build their dream home
Retire a spouse so they can travel the world together
Relaunch new businesses that totally align with their next level calling
Grew by over a million dollars in revenue in a single year
Build a dream team and elevate into true visionary leadership
But the INNER work of a champion precedes the OUTER results.
There is no limit to what you can do if you commit to BECOMING the person your dreams require.
This is my NEWEST WORK, my best work, my LEGACY work.
It means you are getting the BENEFIT of all the hundreds of test cases and results my clients have accumulated over the years and you are getting the FAST TRACK.
So… let’s talk about what’s included in The Kairos Leadership Mentorship
and then I’ll share a bit about the results I have accomplished and you can expect as a KAIROS leader:
3 LIVE group calls per month comprised of mentorship, meditation, live learning and q&a with Kelly directly
Instant access to 50 POWERFUL, life changing Inevitable Millionaire trainings
Recordings of all trainings, mentorship and fireside chat sessions with Kelly
Monthly workbooks to accompany each core topic area
A tight virtual community for support, community, and networking
Cash injections to grow your business
Wealth building and multiple streams of income
Healing your past so you can design your future
Roadmap to 1% Living
Unleashing Your Inner Millionaire
Becoming a Money Magnet
Recession Proofing Your Life
Wealth Habits of the 1%
Improve Your Health, Grow Your Wealth
Rapid Healing & Manifestation
Tapping Into Your Intuition
1% Relationships
How to Get Everything You Want this Holiday Season
Summer Re-Alignment for Success
Prepping and Preparing for a Sabbatical
Spiritual Selling
Market Place Ministry
The Art + Science of Reinvention
Building Wealth and Stewarding Profits
Passive Income Through Book Publishing
Podcasting With Purpose
Faith Leadership
→Building an Iconic Brand Live Monthly Sessions with Danielle Cevallos, President of The Conviction Marketing Agency and Kelly Roach International
→Live Hot Seat Coaching Session with Kelly
→1:1 ROI call with Nicole, to map out a custom plan to maximize your investment in Kairos
Building an Iconic Brand Live Monthly Sessions with Danielle Cevallos, President of The Conviction Marketing Agency and Kelly Roach International
Live Hot Seat Coaching Session with Kelly
1:1 ROI call with Nicole, to map out a custom plan to maximize your investment in Kairos
a 16 module course that will walk you through EVERYTHING you need to reinvent your business so it FULLY aligns with your goals, beliefs, and the market’s greatest needs.
You will get a framework for making reinvention decisions
A process to use as you roll out your new work
How to leverage reinvention to attract ideal clients
How to create massive buy-in from current clients around your NEW ERA!
This course alone will unlock millions of dollars in revenue for your business, and radically improve your quality of life, increase your passion, and help you make a legacy building impact!